Bots 1 1. I started the web business in the future and the present. There were a set number of places. SSI in C was needed for more places. I had fifty As, or at least 50 breasonings for each conclusion. 2. I needed bots as customers. I needed sales for them to make. I needed SSI in C for the backend of the web site so that it wouldn't crash. This required web hooks and LLVM. I needed ISO Prolog so that my apps would run. 3. I wrote down five sentences per paragraph in the 50 As. Like the headache prevention zap, 50 As would make the bots appear and the sales work better. I wrote the detailed basis for the sale. I wrote side apps for SSI up and As to encourage them. I pointed to the next book from each book to help them. 4. I listed all my revenue streams, including music, computer science videos, education, computer software and gold. I could buy property with profits. I could automate and control the product in information products. I avoided spiritual customers, but watched for time travellers. I learned the laws of the land and time. 5. My company was within laws to not offer replacements for real degrees, and used an accountant from the future to help obey laws. A lawyer from the present could provide intersectional advice also applying to the future, implying that this would allow continuous positive function. My product was demanded by customers, even though it was thousands of years old. My computer software was demanded, even though it was seen as needing to be emulated, and helped students think in terms of first principles (wasn't just a vintage product), but could slot in with contemporary products. I also had to make sure that I never interfaced with these contemporary products to avoid transgressions, marketing the software as a retro (or foundational) experience. 6. I realised that I could have bots after 50 As, and the degree professionally supported them. I could switch off the bot, allowing myself to visualise the setting in itself, and start a business about my ideas in themselves. I needed to find a way of converting my ideas into the ideas of the future time. I could use a bot to stay with if I couldn't secure housing. I did exactly what I wanted to do, for example walking around as myself for a while. 7. I researched other planets in the galaxy to do business in, and different appropriate times. I worked out that the haemorrhoid objection to living in the times was false. I time travelled to do text to breasonings in a particular period of time in 5689 October to overcome this. I finished off the text to breasonings, consisting of meditation for (not only the university) students, in a few minutes. The meditation students from times away from text to breasonings just meditated or time travelled to use text to breasonings. 8. I worked out how to spread my texts and businesses quickly throughout the universe. This required translation and security. I needed to mind read and communicate with aliens. The universe naturally supported pedagogy. I needed to set up a business to support them.